The Silver Star Unit in a nutshell, is the pregnant Mother’s Special Care Unit, where she and her unborn baby get the high level attention that they need.

The Unit provides special care to about 500 pregnant mothers and their unborn babies every year, who have serious and rare difficulties in pregnancy, such as repeated miscarriages, pre-eclampsia (sometimes known as toxaemia of pregnancy), placental bleeding or placental problems.  Women with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney or heart problems, and other medical complications are also offered Silver Star Care.

Our small but dedicated team gives a unique range of care, backed by dedicated midwives, together with all the staff of the Maternity Unit and Special and Intensive Care baby nurseries.

Clinical Staff:

On the ward a small specialised team of doctors, midwives, their assistants and administrative staff are committed to providing world class care to pregnant women who have these troubles. Parents come from a wide area in the Oxford region.


Rarely seen by parents, this is an advanced and highly skilled team of scientists working behind the scenes to investigate the causes of these complications in pregnancy.  The Research Team have become international leaders in their field which has led to an impact in the standard of care pregnant women receive in the UK, Europe, Canada and the U.S.A.

Fetal Medicine:

Is a speciality that has been created over the past twenty years, in order to diagnose and treat babies who become ill whilst inside the womb. Skills are quickly emerging that will transform the outlook for babies that encounter major problems before birth. The Fetal Medicine Unit complements and expands the work of the Silver Star Unit.

You may think that every hospital has such a Unit, but the Silver Star Unit is unique to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Nowhere else will you find the same combination of skills and staff focused exclusively on the needs of a small but highly vulnerable group of pregnant women. For this reason, the Silver Star Unit is internationally recognised for its’ work and organisation.