The very first hospital in Oxford was founded as the result of a legacy from the Royal Physician to Queen Anne, Dr John Radcliffe, in 1758.

Please quote ‘The Silver Star Society Fund 0347’ when leaving a legacy in your will to the Silver Star Society, specifying exactly where you would like your legacy to be spent will help give hope to future generations of parents. Legacies can fund pioneering research into pre-eclampsia or other serious medical complications in pregnancy or they can create more comfortable and welcoming environments for you, your baby and family or even be spent on maintaining the existing Family Rooms. However you wish your legacy to be spent you will be helping to ensure that future generations benefit from the very best health care and latest research.

Taking the time to make a will gives you peace of mind and ensures that the people you love, and the causes you care about most, are provided for. We do suggest donors ask their solicitor to liaise with us about the precise wording in their will. This will ensure it is flexible enough to cope with medical innovations and future developments and that we fully understand your wishes.

If you would like to find out more about supporting the Silver Star Society through your will, please contact us.


Many parents and their families wish to create a lasting tribute if they have suffered the heartbreak of losing a baby by making a gift or raising money to either be used in research or for a particular piece of equipment in their memory.

This could be by suggesting donations to Silver Star instead of flowers at a funeral, by creating an ‘in memoriam’ website to raise funds, or by simply making a donation in their memory.

To discuss how you can achieve the memorial that will mean the most to you, your family and friends please contact us.

Your support really will make a difference.