There are many ways of raising funds for the Silver Star Maternity Fund. You can make a difference by raising funds and awareness. Here are some of the ways others have helped:
Ask your employer to adopt Silver Star as their Charity of the Year.
London Marathon and sponsored runs
Coffee mornings
Mad Hair Day
Charity concerts
Plant Sales
Sponsored beard shave
Charity Golf Days
Sponsored walks
Treasure Hunt
Sponsored slim
Sponsored cycle rides
Non uniform days at school
Dress down days at workplace
We have also received donations in lieu of Christmas cards, birthday & christening presents.
Of course you are welcome to invent your own way of raising funds. Please contact our office if you have an idea or want help to organise an event.
Next Silverstar Fundraising Events
Events you can enter to fundraise with Oxford Hospitals Charity
You can enter events by using the below link and stating you are raising money for the Silver Star Maternity Fund 0347. Please do contact us once you have decided what to enter and we can help you navigate the entry process.
Please help support The Silver Star Maternity Fund by shopping online.
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,600 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.
Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for The Silver Star Maternity Fund every time, it’s that easy!