Raising money for charity can feel like such a daunting task, can’t it? I remember seeing a piece of equipment on the Silver Star wish list years ago, and thinking it seemed impossible, yet a few months later, the money had been raised. My novels are around 100,000 words long and every time I start a new book, it feels like I’ll never reach the end. But every single word adds to the story, just like every single pound helps us towards our targets.

In a cost-of-living crisis, it can feel really awkward asking for money, but in my experience, people still want to help out. Maybe they’ll sponsor £5 instead of £10, or put a quid in a jar instead of setting up a direct debit, but we’re grateful for every penny! If you’re doing a sponsored event, try asking outside your usual network of friends: perhaps your local pub will collect pledges for you, or a work contact will put a form on reception. The most successful events are often the simplest. Ask the supermarkets if you can pack shopping at the tills in exchange for donations, or run a ‘dress down’ day at work. Some restaurants are happy to add a voluntary donation onto customer bills for a set period of time, which can raise lots of money without asking too much of individual donors.

Whether you raise £3, £100 or £1,000, everyone at Silver Star Maternity Fund is so very grateful for the support. Raising donations doesn’t only help the unit practically, it also lets the team know that you’re thinking of them, and of all the families who need Silver Star support.

Clare Mackintosh, Patron.


Firstly, thank you for taking the time and effort to fundraise for us. It really does make a difference no matter the amount raised.

Please pay your fundraising monies promptly through the Silver Star Just Giving site or for credit / debit card payments by telephoning the supporter care team at Oxford Hospitals Charity from 9.30 to 4pm Monday to Friday on 0300 373 1188, quoting: fund number 0347-Silver Star.

Or if you wish to make a bank transfer please use:

Oxford Hospitals Charity
Sort code: 30-80-45
Account No: 40868268

Reference: Fund 0347